Pretty doors of temples
"Entrance" or "Entrance Gateways" are the way you enter a space
or a zone different from
each other.
Temple, Church
or Mosque unify in terms of having elaborate
entrances to respective places
of worship
In Hindu
temples, if keenly observed, entrance doorways are less than human comfort
scale because it is believed that
before you enter the main "garbhagriha" or "Sanctum sanctorum" you have
to bow before the almighty which happens when you bend down to enter to have a glimpse of the idol.
Whereas Church
usually has high roofs with pointed ceilings right above the "Crucifix" that symbolizes that the scale of a human is
very small when compared to the almighty. You are just a tiny part of this huge universe that you boast about
owning a share in it. Similarly each spiritual place or religious place has its own significance and the main entrance plays
a major role in achieving
such ambience and ultimate purpose of the place
Any space that
has a spiritual aspect behind its design has a similar agenda of making realize human is just a tiny part of what we see as a universe. Universe is beyond
our imagination and we
are very vulnerable. Spirituality opens up doors to vast bundles of knowledge.
As humans, we always intend to keep
our door of knowledge shut that gives us a brutally false happiness of someone falling
behind in the race of life due to lack of knowledge.
Maybe we have to
start being more open and welcome to let out whatever we learn and feel because you never know when your story
could become that thin thread of life for someone as vulnerable as we feel standing in front of a monument-sized rock.
As they say
a good leader is the one who guides and takes his partners
along instead of a solo walk to victory!! Let us
all be good leaders and help each other reach goals.